Earn money on the websites

I have a passion for writing and I know how hard it is to find a good place to post your article for a nice side income. I have spent countless hours and time searching on both Yahoo! And Google for the best sites on earth to post articles. Not to forget hours of finding more and more information in various sites such as HubPages and Squidoo to name a few.

Drum roll please…

Here are my top 5 best places for you to earn some money online and there are links at the bottom for you. Click them and you will be few minutes away from earning more money!


  1. HubPages

I always wonder how many hubbers are there in the world. Let me be frank over here. I love HubPages and I am in love with it! All you need to write and some creative ideas. You do not need to be a graphic specialist to make your hubs look nice as you are given options on how to decorate it. You can add links, photos, polls and even videos alongside with your article. At the same time, you can earn money with Google Adsense, Amazon and Kontera.

To join Hubpages, check it out here: Join HubPages for free now!


  1. Triond

Triond is another great place to work with. You can post articles and you will earn money with both Google Adsense and Pay per View. There is no restriction on what you must write and you have total freedom. However, the usual stuffs are normal (consider nudity etc). According to my Google Adsense, HubPages and Triond are two of the most page impression monthly without fail.

To join Triond, check it out here: http://www.triond.com/rw/367460


Hard Work Will Pay Off


  1. RedGage

This site is one fun place where they will only issue you a debit card once you have completed certain amount of collection (e.g. USD 25). I love this site not because of its revenue generating but in fact, you can basically post all your links, blogs, photos, articles or anything you can think of. The best part is, everything being hit for a certain amount of time will generate revenue. This is indeed one of the best back links I ever countered.


  1. Factoidz

This site is strict and they will ban you for no obvious reason or notification. It is an expert forum where you can earn revenue by Pay per View. The marking here is really strict and they do not want to have any duplicate content. From the revenue and paying point of view, they are great as they pay you the first few days of the month by PayPal.


Last but not least…


  1. Squidoo

I am not a fan of this site to be frank but I really love the outlook of the site. It is excellent and it is fun to play with. If you are a hubber, then you are going to have a little hard time trying to learn the styles. The basics of Squidoo are just alike HubPages


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